Welcome to VisBis

VisBis is  the subsidiary of Luminatek company in the business of helping other companies develop products. Our engineers have many years of experience in a wide variety of fields. We now concentrate on helping other companies engineer their power needs--batteries, power supplies, inverters and D.C. to D.C. converters.

We not only engineer products, but we also manufacture products both in Utah and in China. This helps our customers and keeps us in lasting, long term relationships with both our customers and our factories.  We are truing to be cost effective and sell our products to smallest mark up. Very often we modify our existing products to your needs. For our buyers from North America, please go to Powerstream website.


Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries, method of charging and properties

Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries, method of charging and properties

Lithium Iron phosphate batteries are safer than Lithium-ion cells, and are available in a range of cell sizes between 20mAh and 100 AH with much longer cycle life than conventional batteries.
Li-po, Li-ion Battery Capacity needed for given Load Currents, approximation calculator

Li-po, Li-ion Battery Capacity needed for given Load Currents, approximation calculator

This is a simplified battery capacity calculator to estimate the needed battery capacity if you have known load currents. You need to know: a. Time needed to run your loads in hours b. Load currents in A.
Possible falures in Lithium batteries

Possible falures in Lithium batteries

Here I will try to briefly describe possible battery failures and why it happened.
Fun with CFL or UV light bulbs and electronic balast

Fun with CFL or UV light bulbs and electronic balast

Here we will talk about powering those light bulbs with dc "ballasts" or better say DC power supplies or converters.
