Welcome to VisBis

VisBis is  the subsidiary of Luminatek company in the business of helping other companies develop products. Our engineers have many years of experience in a wide variety of fields. We now concentrate on helping other companies engineer their power needs--batteries, power supplies, inverters and D.C. to D.C. converters.

We not only engineer products, but we also manufacture products both in Utah and in China. This helps our customers and keeps us in lasting, long term relationships with both our customers and our factories.  We are truing to be cost effective and sell our products to smallest mark up. Very often we modify our existing products to your needs. For our buyers from North America, please go to Powerstream website.


Where to find energy for those who live on boat

Where to find energy for those who live on boat

Lets's find sourses of energy we need for mooring in tropical place with 28-30C during the day time and 24-27 at night. We had this article where there was a discution where we see 1200W per day for1 person, 1600-2000W for two and 3300W with limited AC(condicioner) per day.
Li-po, Li-ion Battery Capacity needed for given Load Currents, approximation calculator

Li-po, Li-ion Battery Capacity needed for given Load Currents, approximation calculator

This is a simplified battery capacity calculator to estimate the needed battery capacity if you have known load currents. You need to know: a. Time needed to run your loads in hours b. Load currents in A.
Calculator for battery run time for Lead Acids batteries

Calculator for battery run time for Lead Acids batteries

This is a simplified battery capacity calculator for Lead acid batteries is using the Peukert's law.
Wiring, installation and all about wires

Wiring, installation and all about wires

This page will give you some basic knowledge about wires and also provide and few useful calculators for different electrical parameters, dependent on wire size. Please note: WE DO NOT SELL WIRES.
