

Where to find energy for those who live on boat

Where to find energy for those who live on boat

Lets's find sourses of energy we need for mooring in tropical place with 28-30C during the day time and 24-27 at night. We had this article where there was a discution where we see 1200W per day for1 person, 1600-2000W for two and 3300W with limited AC(condicioner) per day.

Can I get battery capacity by knowing my need for powering load?

Can I get battery capacity by knowing my need for powering load?

Let's assume we have some load with current I to run for time t. Can we  get needed battery capacity C? Attention, this calc is for lead acid battery.

More fun physics around CFL, UV or glow discharge lamps

More fun physics around CFL, UV or glow discharge lamps

I would like to demonstrate a few more experiments here to give you better understanding about physics which going on inside lamps.

Fun with CFL or UV light bulbs and electronic balast

Fun with CFL or UV light bulbs and electronic balast

Here we will talk about powering those light bulbs with dc "ballasts" or better say DC power supplies or converters.

How to charge Lithium batteries?

How to charge Lithium batteries?

Very typical question I receive in my email: How do I charge Lithium battery?

Fix for bluetooth audio amplifier board XH-M314 TPA3118 2x45W from China

Fix for bluetooth audio amplifier board XH-M314 TPA3118 2x45W from China

The purpose of this article is to help audio enthusiasts, who decided to buy bluetooth audio amplifier board XH-M314 TPA3118 2x45W from China. It was not designed properly and as it seems I found the fix.

CFL and UV lights usage

CFL and UV lights usage

In the new era of LED (Light Emitting Diodes), most of consumers start forgetting CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) & CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp). ...apparently fluorescent tubes received second life.

Failed Lithium battery, can we fix it?

Failed Lithium battery, can we fix it?

This article is not about resurrecting Li-po cells, but rather how to substitute failed battery with a new one.

Lithium Battery replacement

Lithium Battery replacement

How do I replace Li battery and make my device functional again?

Lithium ion/polymer Battery Cycle Life and what might influence that.

Lithium ion/polymer Battery Cycle Life and what might influence that.

Here we going to discuss parameters, which will influence Battery Cycle Life and Battery Shelf Life for Li batteries.

Showing 1 to 10 of 25 (3 Pages)