Dictionary for Electrical Enginnering lingvo in to Populas language

Over and over again I see the very loose usage of terminologies.

This may help us to understand each other.

DC= Direct Current voltage. Battery, Vehicles, Power supplies for laptops all have DC voltage output.

Converter = The device which converts DC voltage in to DC voltage. So for example it may take 12Volts from your car battery and converts it to DC voltage, usable by laptop.

Inverter = Device which takes DC voltage and converts to AC voltage. Example: 12v from battery can be convert in to 220V AC, usable for transformer based power supply or creates an AC outlet for plugging conventional home applianses.

Transformer=Heavy thingy, which can take AC voltage and converts in to another AC voltage. Very obsolete in our days and hard to find becase it uses lots of copper wires.

Cord= the wire, which connects AC outlet to other electrical devises. Very often populus calling "Cord" the power supply itself. This may bring some confusion and obviously the hillbilly terminology.

Power Supply= Device which supplies power. In 99% cases ot means something, which pluggs in to AC oitlet and makes DC voltage out.

Voltage=Volts =level of Electrical Potential. More Volts means more Power and at the same time higher danger.

Current= Flow of Imaginary electrons in conductive materials. Higher current can even heat wires.

Isolated=some kind of device, which is isolated from the source of power. Example: isolated converter= converter where input and output totally isolated. On the contrary: Non Isolated means that output somewere connected by common ground to input.

I will continue with this more....

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